An OSHA-Compliant training course online for riggers and signalers. I-CAB Recognized. This basic rigger and signaler class covers an introduction to rigging, determining load weight, sling angles and stresses, center of gravity, basic hitches, sling types, lifting hardware, below-the-hook-devices, verbal communication, and hand signals. Quiz questions along the way prepare the trainee for the final written examination. Upon completion, you will gain access to your certificate and a checklist which can be used by your employer to administer the practical observation.
This content developer is recognized by the International Competency Assessment Board (I-CAB) for its expertise in this subject matter and is listed as a competency development resource for I-CAB assessment participants.
Section 1: Introduction, Load Weights
International Hydraulic Safety Authority is the leader in hydraulic safety awareness training, recognized internationally for developing the most comprehensive training curriculum available in the safety industry.