Personal Protective Equipment for Employees (PPE)

This course teaches students about the basics of personal protective equipment (PPE). Students will learn about the hierarchy of hazard controls, their rights and responsibilities, head protection, eye and face protection, hearing protection, and hand and foot protection. They will also receive a brief overview of some other common forms of PPE, including high-visibility safety apparel, fall protection, and limb and body protection. Please note that respiratory protection is covered in a separate course; it is not included here.


Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a worker’s last line of defense against worksite hazards. As such, it is vital that all employees know how to properly select, use, and maintain all pieces of PPE required on their jobsite. This course teaches learners the basics of various forms of PPE, including hardhats, eye and face protection, hearing protection, and hand and foot protection. This course also covers the “hierarchy of hazard controls” as well as the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers when it comes to PPE. The course also gives a brief overview of some other common, but more specialized, forms of PPE, such as fall protection, body and limb protection, and high-visibility safety apparel. Please note that respiratory protection is NOT covered in this course; rather, respiratory protection is covered in much more depth in it’s own, dedicated course.


This online PPE course covers the following topics:

  • PPE basics
  • Head protection
  • Face and eye protection
  • Hearing protection
  • Hand and foot protection
  • Other PPE


Approximately 75 minutes


Knowledge testing is conducted throughout the course. Test questions are designed to reinforce the information presented and must be completed by each participant. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Each participant is allowed to repeat the course three times if the course pass mark wasn’t achieved on the first attempt.


Participants who successfully pass the course will be able to print out a certificate of completion through the learning management system.



Course Preview