Basic Electrical Safety Awareness

Working with electricity is one of the most dangerous jobs in our industry. There are 600 to 800 electrical accidents in Canada every year – not to mention related deaths. To help reduce that number, the Canadian Standards Association and the NFPA have issued new standard that address the requirements regarding electrical safety.


Working with electricity is one of the most dangerous jobs in our industry. There are 600 to 800 electrical accidents in Canada every year – not to mention related deaths. To help reduce that number, the Canadian Standards Association and the NFPA have issued new standard that address the requirements regarding electrical safety.

The CSA Z462 , Workplace Electrical Safety and the NFPA 70E Electrical Safety in the Work Place applies to electrical workers, and provides guidance to employers on what qualifications are required for electrical work – and cautions against allowing non-qualified people inside hazard boundaries.

Electricity is toxic energy. It takes about 10 milliamps (mA) of current for your skin to start burning and blistering. At about 20 mA of current, your breathing becomes labored and you can’t let go of the electrical circuit or tool that is giving you the shock, while 75 mA of current passing through the chest area may cause ventricular fibrillation of the heart, Ventricular fibrillation is a rapid, irregular heartbeat that can cause death in minutes. in addition, you may suffer severe burns and muscular damage – a few amps will cause irreversible body damage. While human beings are only designed to handle 5 or 6 mA, the typical over-current at which a fuse or circuit breaker opens a circuit is 15,000 mA.


This training program will focus on the dangers associated with working in and around electrical equipment.

From this training session you will learn:

  1. Accidents are Preventable
  2. Who is at Risk
  3. Electrical Hazards
  4. Introduction to Arc Flash Research
  5. Arc Flash Hazard Awareness
  6. Energy Flow and Barriers
  7. Electricity and the Body
  8. Personal Protective Equipment
  9. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
  10. Approach Boundaries

Compliance Regulations

  • Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations
  • Provincial and State Regulations
  • CSA Standard Z460 Control of Hazardous Energy
  • National and Canadian Electrical Code
  • CSA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety
  • NFPA 70E Electrical Safety in the Work Place

Who Should Attend

This course has been designed to focus on the Non – Electrical worker and those who are exposed to electrical hazards or work around electricity.

Skills Development

On completion of this training the participant will have a better appreciation for electrical hazards.

Reference Materials

CSA Z462-12 Workplace Electrical Safety
NFPA 70E Electrical Safety in the Work Place

This course qualifies for Continuing Education Unit Credits (CEU).


Approximately 1 hour


Testing conducted throughout this online course is designed to reinforce the information presented. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to pass this course. The course is able to be taken three times in efforts to achieve the pass mark. Printable resources are available in the form of a comprehensive student manual. The manual is a valuable resource for future use and knowledge retention.


Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available for download and printing.



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