Off The Job Safety is a training program designed to bring a Target Zero mindset to your life outside the workplace. This course will teach you how to comprehensively apply your job safety skills and mindset to your personal home life, and help protect you and the people you love from accident and injury. In this on-line course, you’ll learn about the three main hazards that injure people of any age, and you’ll learn some hazards particularly relevant to children and the elderly, and how to protect them.
Drawn from extensive real life experiences, our Off The Job Safety training program will help you learn to predict risk, prevent loss, and stop harm from happening, at home, travel, and leisure. We will teach you how to conduct regular home inspections, home hazard analysis, sport hazard analysis, travel risk analysis, and pre-activity hazard identification systems. You can use these tools to minimize risk, protect yourself and your family, and spot accidents coming before they can occur.
You can even submit your home inspections to us for feedback and certification from our Certified Registered Safety Professionals!
International Hydraulic Safety Authority is the leader in hydraulic safety awareness training, recognized internationally for developing the most comprehensive training curriculum available in the safety industry.